
In Ranvier, all rooms for an area are defined in a single file within the area folder: rooms.yml

Example File

Rooms without coordinates

This is an example file of rooms that don't use coordinates and always explicitly define their exits. This is pretty standard for old MUDs. However, described below is a way to describe a room using coordinates and such you can use the coordinates to infer the allowable exits for a room for you, doors work all the same.


- id: white
  title: "White Room"
  description: "A featureless white room. A pitch black void in the shape of archway can be seen on the east side of the room."
  npcs: ["limbo:rat" ]
    - id: "limbo:woodenchest"
      respawnChance: 20
      replaceOnRespawn: true # when this chest respawns completely replace it so its contents get refreshed
  script: "white"
    - roomId: "limbo:black"
      direction: east
      leaveMessage: " steps into the void and disappears."
- id: black
  title: "Black Room"
  description: >-
    A completely black room. Somehow all of the light that should be coming from the room to the west does not pass
    through the archway. A single lightbulb hangs from the ceiling illuminating a small area.
    - id: "limbo:sliceofcheese"
      respawnChance: 10
      maxLoad: 5
  npcs: ["limbo:wiseoldman"]
    - roomId: "limbo:white"
      direction: west
      leaveMessage: " steps into the light and disappears."
    "limbo:white": # The player encounters a door when trying to move between "limbo:white" and this room
      lockedBy: "limbo:test_key" # this room can only be locked/unlocked with this item
      locked: true # if the door is locked by default
      closed: true # if the door is closed by default

Rooms with coordinates

- id: start
  title: Begin
  coordinates: [0, 0, 0]
  description: "You are in the start of this area. There are hallways to the north and south."

- id: hallway-north-1
  title: Hallway North 1
  coordinates: [0, 1, 0]
  description: "You are in the north hallway."
- id: hallway-north-2
  title: Hallway North 2
  coordinates: [0, 2, 0]
  description: "You are in the north hallway."

- id: hallway-south-1
  title: Hallway South 1
  coordinates: [0, -1, 0]
  description: "You are in the south hallway."
- id: hallway-south-2
  title: Hallway South 2
  coordinates: [0, -2, 0]
  description: "You are in the south hallway."

- id: attic-south
  title: Attic
  coordinates: [0, -2, 1]
  description: "You are in the attic."
  # this room has inferred exits from its coordinates and also manually specifies an exit to leave the area
    - direction: east
      roomId: "limbo:white"

# Note that this room doesn't have coordinates, that's completely fine.
# It will still exist in the area but it will not be on the map and will only be
# reachable by explicitly defining an exit that leads to this room like above
# or by having a script send the player to this room.
- id: other-room
  title: Secret Room
  description: "Welcome to the secret room"


Doors are specified with the doors config on the room you want to block access to. Meaning if I want the player in Room A to run into a door when going east to Room B you specify the door config on Room B, not on Room A. It should be noted that, while the Room object allows the definition of doors/locks, nothing in the core (or rooms themselves) block access based on these doors/locks, that is done inside the bundles. See the move command in the bundle-example-commands bundle for an demonstration of how access is blocked or the lock/open commands to see how the doors are controlled.

Note: When defining doors be careful to make sure you don't accidentally define a double door like a hotel room where Room A has a door blocking access to Room B and Room B has another door blocking access from Room A as this could cause the player to have to open two doors every time they moved between the rooms.

Determining exits in scripts

As seen above in the example definitions an area's Rooms may have coordinate based exits or explicitly defined exits or both. This makes determining the exits for a given Room a little tricky. To help with this the Room#getExits() method will return a list of both explicitly defined exits as well as exits it infers from coordinates.

The room definition below has both coordinates and an explicitly defined "east" direction:

# let's say this in the area called "mapped"

- id: hallway-south-2
  title: Hallway South 2
  coordinates: [0, -2, 0]
  description: "You are in the south hallway."
- id: attic-south
  title: Attic
  coordinates: [0, -2, 1]
  description: "You are in the attic."
  # this room has inferred exits from its coordinates and also manually
  # specifies an exit to leave the area
    - direction: east
      roomId: "limbo:white"
// The `room` variable here will refer to the instance of the above defined room


// Room#getExits returns an array of both inferred and explicit exits
    // `roomId` will be the entityReference of the room
    roomId: 'mapped:hallway-south-2',

    // if inferred from coordinates `direction` will be one of: north, east,
    // south, west, up, down, northeast, southeast, southwest, or southeast.
    // Depending on which makes most sense given the coordinates.
    direction: 'down',

    // `inferred` is true if it was discovered from the room's coordinates and
    // the nearby rooms
    inferred: true

    roomId: 'limbo:white',

    // the explicitly defined exit will have a `direction` specified by its
    // configuration in the room definition. The string is completely arbitrary
    // and does _not_ need to be one of the 10 "standard" directions.
    // NOTE: If there is an explicitly defined exit whose direction is the same
    // as an inferred exit, the inferred exit will not be included in the list.
    direction: 'east',

    // This was an explicitly defined exit, therefor not inferred
    inferred: false,

Definition Fields

field type (default)

id string
required Room id, unique among the rooms of the current area
title string
required Title of the room, shown on look or scan
description string
required Long description of the room, shown under the title on look
coordinates Array<number>
Optional coordinates for the room in [x, y, z] format.
npcs Array<EntityReference>
List of NPCs to place in this room on initial load. You can customize the number of max instances of the NPC per room and the respawn chance by making the npcs entry an object as described above in the "Test Room 2" example.
items Array<EntityReference>
List of items to place in this room on initial load. As with NPCs, you can customize the respawn chance for the item. For containers there's also replaceOnRespawn which when the item is due to respawn will replace an empty instance will a full one
script string
Name of custom script to attach to this room (See Scripting)
behaviors array<string>
List of behaviors to attach to this room (See Scripting)
metadata object
A place to put other data you want to access inside scripts/behaviors/commands/etc. that doesn't fit into one of the existing properties. See Room.getMeta and Room.setMeta. Note: changes to metadata while the server is running will be lost when the server is shut down.
exits Array
Rooms the player can get to from here; each exits entry has the following fields:
direction string
required Movement command the player will use to leave the room (Standard compass directions are recommended)
roomId EntityReference
required Room the player will end up in when they go this direction
leaveMessage string
Message shown to the room when the player leaves the room in this direction. In the Room 1 example above, players in the same room will see "Shawn steps into the void and disappears." when Shawn leaves to the east.
doors object
Doors blocking access to this room. The key for each door is the room you want to block access from. So if you want to block access to players coming from limbo:training into the room the key would be "limbo:training"
lockedBy EntityReference
Optional item EntityReference of the item that will be the key that locks/unlocks the door
locked boolean (false)
Whether the door starts locked
closed boolean (false)
Whether the door starts closed