'use strict';

const { Attribute, AttributeFormula } = require('./Attribute');

 * @property {Map} attributes
class AttributeFactory {
  constructor() {
    this.attributes = new Map();

   * @param {string} name
   * @param {number} base
   * @param {AttributeFormula} formula
  add(name, base, formula = null, metadata = {}) {
    if (formula && !(formula instanceof AttributeFormula)) {
      throw new TypeError('Formula not instance of AttributeFormula');

    this.attributes.set(name, {

   * @see Map#has
  has(name) {
    return this.attributes.has(name);

   * Get a attribute definition. Use `create` if you want an instance of a attribute
   * @param {string} name
   * @return {object}
  get(name) {
    return this.attributes.get(name);

   * @param {string} name
   * @param {number} delta
   * @return {Attribute}
  create(name, base = null, delta = 0) {
    if (!this.has(name)) {
      throw new RangeError(`No attribute definition found for [${name}]`);

    const def = this.attributes.get(name);
    return new Attribute(name, base || def.base, delta, def.formula, def.metadata);

   * Make sure there are no circular dependencies between attributes
   * @throws Error
  validateAttributes() {
    const references = [...this.attributes].reduce((acc, [ attrName, { formula } ]) => {
      if (!formula) {
        return acc;

      acc[attrName] = formula.requires;

      return acc;
    }, {});

    for (const attrName in references) {
      const check = this._checkReferences(attrName, references);
      if (Array.isArray(check)) {
        const path = check.concat(attrName).join(' -> ');
        throw new Error(`Attribute formula for [${attrName}] has circular dependency [${path}]`);

   * @private
   * @param {string} attr attribute name to check for circular ref
   * @param {Object.<string, Array<string>>} references
   * @param {Array<string>} stack
   * @return bool
  _checkReferences(attr, references, stack = []) {
    if (stack.includes(attr)) {
      return stack;

    const requires = references[attr];

    if (!requires || !requires.length) {
      return true;

    for (const reqAttr of requires) {
      const check = this._checkReferences(reqAttr, references, stack.concat(attr));
      if (Array.isArray(check)) {
        return check;

    return true;

module.exports = AttributeFactory;