'use strict';

const GameEntity = require('./GameEntity');
const Logger = require('./Logger');

 * @property {Area}          area         Area room is in
 * @property {{x: number, y: number, z: number}} [coordinates] Defined in yml with array [x, y, z]. Retrieved with coordinates.x, coordinates.y, ...
 * @property {Array<number>} defaultItems Default list of item ids that should load in this room
 * @property {Array<number>} defaultNpcs  Default list of npc ids that should load in this room
 * @property {string}        description  Room description seen on 'look'
 * @property {Array<object>} exits        Exits out of this room { id: number, direction: string }
 * @property {number}        id           Area-relative id (vnum)
 * @property {Set}           items        Items currently in the room
 * @property {Set}           npcs         Npcs currently in the room
 * @property {Set}           players      Players currently in the room
 * @property {string}        script       Name of custom script attached to this room
 * @property {string}        title        Title shown on look/scan
 * @property {object}        doors        Doors restricting access to this room. See documentation for format
 * @extends GameEntity
class Room extends GameEntity {
  constructor(area, def) {
    const required = ['title', 'description', 'id'];
    for (const prop of required) {
      if (!(prop in def)) {
        throw new Error(`ERROR: AREA[${area.name}] Room does not have required property ${prop}`);

    this.def = def;
    this.area = area;
    this.defaultItems = def.items || [];
    this.defaultNpcs  = def.npcs || [];
    this.metadata = def.metadata || {};
    this.script = def.script;
    this.behaviors = new Map(Object.entries(def.behaviors || {}));
    this.coordinates = Array.isArray(def.coordinates) && def.coordinates.length === 3 ? {
      x: def.coordinates[0],
      y: def.coordinates[1],
      z: def.coordinates[2],
    } : null;
    this.description = def.description;
    this.entityReference = this.area.name + ':' + def.id;
    this.exits = def.exits || [];
    this.id = def.id;
    this.title = def.title;
    // create by-val copies of the doors config so the lock/unlock don't accidentally modify the original definition
    this.doors = new Map(Object.entries(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(def.doors || {}))));
    this.defaultDoors = def.doors;

    this.items = new Set();
    this.npcs = new Set();
    this.players = new Set();

     * spawnedNpcs keeps track of NPCs even when they leave the room for the purposes of respawn. So if we spawn NPC A
     * into the room and it walks away we don't want to respawn the NPC until it's killed or otherwise removed from the
     * area
    this.spawnedNpcs = new Set();

   * Emits event on self and proxies certain events to other entities in the room.
   * @param {string} eventName
   * @param {...*} args
   * @return {void}
  emit(eventName, ...args) {
    super.emit(eventName, ...args);

    const proxiedEvents = [

    if (proxiedEvents.includes(eventName)) {
      const entities = [...this.npcs, ...this.players, ...this.items];
      for (const entity of entities) {
        entity.emit(eventName, ...args);

   * @param {Player} player
  addPlayer(player) {

   * @param {Player} player
  removePlayer(player) {

   * @param {Npc} npc
  addNpc(npc) {
    npc.room = this;

   * @param {Npc} npc
   * @param {boolean} removeSpawn 
  removeNpc(npc, removeSpawn = false) {
    if (removeSpawn) {
    npc.room = null;

   * @param {Item} item
  addItem(item) {
    item.room = this;

   * @param {Item} item
  removeItem(item) {
    item.room = null;

   * Get exits for a room. Both inferred from coordinates and  defined in the
   * 'exits' property.
   * @return {Array<{ id: string, direction: string, inferred: boolean, room: Room= }>}
  getExits() {
    const exits = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.exits)).map(exit => {
      exit.inferred = false;
      return exit;

    if (!this.area || !this.coordinates) {
      return exits;

    const adjacents = [
      { dir: 'west', coord: [-1, 0, 0] },
      { dir: 'east', coord: [1, 0, 0] },
      { dir: 'north', coord: [0, 1, 0] },
      { dir: 'south', coord: [0, -1, 0] },
      { dir: 'up', coord: [0, 0, 1] },
      { dir: 'down', coord: [0, 0, -1] },
      { dir: 'northeast', coord: [1, 1, 0] },
      { dir: 'northwest', coord: [-1, 1, 0] },
      { dir: 'southeast', coord: [1, -1, 0] },
      { dir: 'southwest', coord: [-1, -1, 0] },

    for (const adj of adjacents) {
      const [x, y, z] = adj.coord;
      const room = this.area.getRoomAtCoordinates(
        this.coordinates.x + x,
        this.coordinates.y + y,
        this.coordinates.z + z

      if (room && !exits.find(ex => ex.direction === adj.dir)) {
        exits.push({ roomId: room.entityReference, direction: adj.dir, inferred: true });

    return exits;

   * Get the exit definition of a room's exit by searching the exit name
   * @param {string} exitName exit name search
   * @return {false|Object}
  findExit(exitName) {
    const exits = this.getExits();

    if (!exits.length) {
      return false;

    const roomExit = exits.find(ex => ex.direction.indexOf(exitName) === 0);

    return roomExit || false;

   * Get the exit definition of a room's exit to a given room
   * @param {Room} nextRoom
   * @return {false|Object}
  getExitToRoom(nextRoom) {
    const exits = this.getExits();

    if (!exits.length) {
      return false;

    const roomExit = exits.find(ex => ex.roomId === nextRoom.entityReference);

    return roomExit || false;

   * Check to see if this room has a door preventing movement from `fromRoom` to here
   * @param {Room} fromRoom
   * @return {boolean}
  hasDoor(fromRoom) {
    return this.doors.has(fromRoom.entityReference);

   * @param {Room} fromRoom
   * @return {{lockedBy: EntityReference, locked: boolean, closed: boolean}}
  getDoor(fromRoom) {
    if (!fromRoom) {
      return null;
    return this.doors.get(fromRoom.entityReference);

   * Check to see of the door for `fromRoom` is locked
   * @param {Room} fromRoom
   * @return {boolean}
  isDoorLocked(fromRoom) {
    const door = this.getDoor(fromRoom);
    if (!door) {
      return false;

    return door.locked;

   * @param {Room} fromRoom
  openDoor(fromRoom) {
    const door = this.getDoor(fromRoom);
    if (!door) {

    door.closed = false;

   * @param {Room} fromRoom
  closeDoor(fromRoom) {
    const door = this.getDoor(fromRoom);
    if (!door) {

    door.closed = true;

   * @param {Room} fromRoom
  unlockDoor(fromRoom) {
    const door = this.getDoor(fromRoom);
    if (!door) {

    door.locked = false;

   * @param {Room} fromRoom
  lockDoor(fromRoom) {
    const door = this.getDoor(fromRoom);
    if (!door) {

    door.locked = true;

   * @param {GameState} state
   * @param {string} entityRef
   * @return {Item} The newly created item
  spawnItem(state, entityRef) {
    Logger.verbose(`\tSPAWN: Adding item [${entityRef}] to room [${this.title}]`);
    const newItem = state.ItemFactory.create(this.area, entityRef);
    newItem.sourceRoom = this;
     * @event Item#spawn
    return newItem;

   * @param {GameState} state
   * @param {string} entityRef
   * @fires Npc#spawn
   * @return {Npc}
  spawnNpc(state, entityRef) {
    Logger.verbose(`\tSPAWN: Adding npc [${entityRef}] to room [${this.title}]`);
    const newNpc = state.MobFactory.create(this.area, entityRef);
    newNpc.sourceRoom = this;
     * @event Npc#spawn
    return newNpc;

  hydrate(state) {

     * Fires when the room is created but before it has hydrated its default
     * contents. Use the `ready` event if you need default items to be there.
     * @event Room#spawn

    this.items = new Set();

    // NOTE: This method effectively defines the fact that items/npcs do not
    // persist through reboot unless they're stored on a player.
    // If you would like to change that functionality this is the place

    this.defaultItems.forEach(defaultItem => {
      if (typeof defaultItem === 'string') {
        defaultItem = { id: defaultItem };

      this.spawnItem(state, defaultItem.id);

    this.defaultNpcs.forEach(defaultNpc => {
      if (typeof defaultNpc === 'string') {
        defaultNpc = { id: defaultNpc };

      try {
        this.spawnNpc(state, defaultNpc.id);
      } catch (err) {

   * Used by Broadcaster
   * @return {Array<Character>}
  getBroadcastTargets() {
    return [this, ...this.players, ...this.npcs];

module.exports = Room;